Happy Birthday to my ridiculously awesome husband! Yesterday we celebrated Brant’s 29th
birthday. I think this is the first year
that he has actually been bothered by the approaching chronological number of
his life. I didn’t help him any by
reminding him that he was really in
his late twenties now, while I am still solidly in my mid. Hooray for supportive wives!
I have a sick obsession with food, so naturally I was all
ready to get up on his birthday culinary requests. You can imagine my disappointment when his
requests ended up being skipping breakfast, going out to lunch, and tacos for
“Birthday dessert?” you ask.
“No thanks.
I had a piece of cake on Sunday,” he replies.
Not exactly challenging my kitchen skills,
homie. Truthfully, I couldn’t think of a
less festive way to spend a birthday, but clearly food doesn’t share the same
endless love with Brant that it shares with me.
Was that last statement as sad as it sounded?
I had been looking forward to baking for Brant since gifts
were minimal this year. My husband
(bless his soul) as this incredibly aggravating habit of making sure he
receives his birthday gifts well in advance of his actual birth date. I’m talking May, early. This year was no exception, and he got a new
birthday phone. Three months ago. Drives.
Me. Nuts.
I was able to squeeze in a few wrapped gifts under the guise
of them being from the kids. They opted
to get him a tie and a wallet. They were
both hugely involved in the shopping process.
What two-year-old and three-month-old aren’t? Brant’s parents also contributed in the gift
pile by buying him a Champ Bailey jersey.
Which I forgot to wrap. Damn.
All of these, gifts, however weren’t opened until after
nap time. Before all that happened I
surprised Brant by taking him to lunch.
He may or may not have closed his eyes during the entirety of the car
ride in order to add to the surprise factor.
He also may or may not have done that completely of his own accord.
We hit up the Wunderbar deli, which I had only recently
heard of via a facebook friend’s rave reviews of it. It did not disappoint! Brant got the bleu burger and fries and I got
a grilled buffalo chicken sandwich. They
were both super tasty, and Brant told me on the phone today that he hasn’t been
able to stop thinking of his burger (maybe he’s got a food obsession growing
after all). It was a bit pricey, but
completely delicious.
Evie took this picture and I LOVE it! |
After lunch we put the kiddos down for a nap, and we got our
Criminal Minds on (holla, Shemar!).
Nap time was followed up by present opening and tacos. “Boo” on the plain jane-ness of that choice “yeah”
on how yummy they were.
After dinner we took Evie and Cohen over to my parents’ so
Brant and I could go to a movie. We saw “Moonrise
Kingdom” over at the Red Cliffs Theatres but not before we stopped by Arctic
Circle to stow a couple of shakes in my purse.
I swear his pants only became high-waisted-old-man-pants after he slid down the couch about six inches. |
It really was a great day.
We don’t need anything fancy around here to make our birthdays fun. Just give us some contraband in a cool
theatre, and we’re happy.
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