Friday, September 7, 2012

Feeding the Ducks

Last week we took the kiddos to check out the ducks at a little pond near the Snow Canyon baseball fields.

We figured we could let Evie feed the ducks, but the real reason we wanted to go over was because we thought it would be a great place for Bailey to be able to swim. 

Bailey has a weirdo obsession with water.  As in, she can't be near water in any state without completely spazzing and getting her doggie paws all up in it. 

We have a fountain across the street from our house that Evie refers to as "the waterfall" that Bailey continually tries to jump into on our nightly walks.  The fountain has fish in it that we are concerned Bailey might eat (or at the very least scare the begeezes out of).  But the real reason we don't let her get in is because it's a highly visible fountain with a lot of foot traffic, and frankly we feel other people would judge us and/or yell at us if we did.  Just bein' honest here.  If I KNEW we wouldn't get caught, I'd let Bailey jump in that fountain every time we passed it.

Brant's parents told us about the pond in Santa Clara that we would be free to take Bailey to without fear of scorn from passersby, so we loaded up the kids and headed there.  Paul was out of town, but Lynda met us to hang out for a bit.

Evie had a fabulous time throwing the bread into the water for the ducks to eat—even if her throws most often left the bread sitting well short of the duck targets.

Bailey, on the other hand, didn't take to the water quite as expected.

This was her for the majority of the afternoon.


She barely even approached the water.  The only time she got in was when Brant physically tossed her in the water.  And simmer down there, PETA, it was a GENTLE toss.

She clearly did not live up to her Labradoodle-ness OR to her previous aquatic attitude.  But at least those ducks got fed.

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