Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We're Off to See the Wizard

Happy Halloween, every guys! 

We had so much fun on what we’ve officially deemed the most successful Halloween to date here at the place of Boyer.  Not that we actually call it that.  That would just be weird.

While my kiddos are still little enough that they don’t care about who/what they dress up as, I want to do family themed ensembles.  Quit rolling your eyes, Simmons.  Some of us think it's fun.  This year we opted to go with a Wizard of Oz theme.  Evie makes the cutest little Dorothy ever, but if I’m honest, I’m pretty sure the initial reasoning behind this cinematic salute was our dog.  I thought Bailey would make a cute little Toto (despite the fact that she is roughly 87 times too large for the role).

Finishing out the rest of the cast was Brant as the Tin Man, me as the Scarecrow, and Cohen as a flying monkey.  That’s right, my son was on the side of evil, but I had a monkey costume already and this Halloween the unofficial costume theme was:  nobody spends more than about fifteen cents on their costume.  P.S. the official cost of Halloween came out to be about $4.  We had to buy glitter for the ruby slippers and face paint and a funnel for our Tin Man, but everything else was borrowed or we already had on hand.  Holla for (saving) a dolla!

Because the kiddos are still little, trick or treating was kept to a very minimum.  As in only- three-stops-minimum.  After we took a few pictures at home, we shuttled our little flying monkey and Dorothy into the car and headed over to the Eddington’s house to crash their traditional Halloween party.  They had a Peter Pan theme going on over there, and they (of course) looked absolutely adorable.  Love them!

After we had dinner with them we first went to Grandma and Grandpa Boyer’s house, and lastly hit up Grandma and Grandpa Ruesch’s house.  Of course, by this time it was 9 p.m. and my mom was convinced that we had forgotten to come over.  So, of course she was ecstatic when the cutest little trick or treaters EVER knocked on her door.

Definitely my favorite Halloween to date.  My kids looked so cute, I had a great time dressing up too, and an excessive a completely healthy amount of candy was enjoyed by me all. 

Of course, Evie has asked to go trick or treating every day since.  Could be a long 358 more days.

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